Beauty studio Iris
This method is use for
- reduces acne scars
- reduces enlarged pores
- removes impurities
Phytopiling is a type of stronger peeling that causes rapid exfoliation of the surface layer of the skin. Phytopiling ingredients are natural, very effective, and safe. This therapy is done by massaging the client’s face with biological substances, during which the skin’s temperature rises. During the massage, the client feels a slight tingling sensation and the skin turns red; this feeling lasts for a few days after the treatment. Redness of the skin is an expected positive reaction to peeling. It becomes taut and darkens after a few days, much like after sunbathing. cracks, and the peeling process begins. Peeling lasts for another 2–3 days. Phytopeeling is recommended for impure skin and oily skin with enlarged pores and hyperpigmentation. The treatment also reduces scars caused by acne. After phytopeeling, the skin becomes smooth and the enlarged pores are less visible. Why is phytopiling good? The effectiveness of phytopiling is visible very quickly (results after the second treatment). PHYTOPILING causes rapid flaking of the surface layer of the skin, which affects renewal and elasticity; the skin looks healthy, scars are shallower, and excess sebum and impurities are removed.

Removes acne scars before and after treatment